Welcome to the new and updated website for cadets and families of ENMS. While many have contributed to what you are viewing, none of this could have happened without the efforts of Dennis Guzik (Class of 1967) who established, collected materials and produced the initial website.
We listened to your� comments and hopefully incorporated many of your concerns� in this updated site.� Features Include:
- A secure login which Alumni can use to contact other cadets
- A� new website format
- An updated collection of photos and videos
- A small collection of fully scanned yearbooks (please contact us if you have any year(s) you do not see on our yearbooks download page� [Alumni must register and login to view])
- An In Memorium� section to honor those cadets who have passed
These and many other features were designed to serve as a legacy for generations to come.
This is your site…. Register or log in, sign the guestbook, browse and explore, provide feedback or simply share your story or memories as you add to the history of the Elsinore Naval and Military School.