Another Alumni Registered

Our new alumni member is William D. Lockett (now Brown Jr.) and attended ENMS in the early 50’s, and currently living in Colorado. Here are some comments he provided to me via email.

My parents got a divorce after spending time in French Moroco, building airports.  They took me out of school and I went to New York City. I do not have any items from the school, all was lost in storage in New York.

I attended around 51- 53. I was there the year the Lake filled up around Christms, and we had a big earthquake that moved all the buinks to the center of the room.

My memories are kind of vague at 80 years old. I remember names like Kozloffs brothers, that taught me how to play chess, their father had something to do with the Frontier in Vegas; Clark his father owned Something in Vegas; There was two brothers Bell from Vegas; The Bela Lugosi Jr, was there two grades above me. He had a trick swimming thing where he dove in and swam across the pool with one foot never going under water.  When I graduated into the senior part he was gone. I remember Conklin had a wooden paddle that he swung like a baseball bat, I earned my name on that paddle with three swats and a bruised butt.

I met this guy in a LA school later, I don’t remember his name, but they called him the Brain. He had an extremely high IQ, and we used to go to the theater in town, having high grades and not have to do study hall.  I will look for pictures around that age, and send them later.

William D. Lockett (now Brown Jr.)


  • wdbrown says:

    Roy: Great to hear from you. Did you graduate from ENMS? Did you go on to the military? Do you know if there are any pictures or year books from that time? I lost everything in storage in New York.

  • ortega52 says:

    William: I remember you well. While you were in the 6th grade at ENMS, I was in the 7th. When you came over for your 7th grade, I moved up to the 8th. Then we both moved on.

    As you say, though, our paths crossed at Thomas Starr King Junior High School in Los Angeles. After that, our paths diverged again.

    Yes, I too enjoyed those Monday night movies at the Lake Theater. They did make a difference.

    If you get a chance, you can email me at

    Roy Wallace

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